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C O - W O R M - I N G
Blindside ARI, PHOTO 2024
Wurundjeri Land
Naarm/Melbourne, 2024.

co-worm-ing is a process-led collaborative practice with Joy Zhou. In this iteration of co-worm-ing, composting was engaged as an anarchival practice as part of the exhibition Future Anterior at Blindside ARI for PHOTO 2024.

Read more -
*  who ate the archive? - an interactive composting workshop for catalogue hoarders, facilitated by Emily Simek and Joy Zhou as part of co-worm-ing at Blindside.
* Into the Wormhole, catalogue essay by Mia Palmer-Verevis.
* natural / beauty + wiped on cheeks = compost equations, poem by Autumn Royal.

Vermiculture compost tubs from Emily’s home garden, liquid fertiliser, shredded documents, Joy’s iPhone’s, Emily’s iPhone, charging cables, three channel digital video, sound. Accompanying poem as wall text by Autumn Royal.

Photography by Sebastian Kainey.