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W H A T   T O    D O    W I T H   
A G R I C U L T U R A L    B Y - P R O D U C T S :   
A N    I N C O M P L E T E   G U I D E

Emily Simek, Rose Faragher 
Online publication, Art + Australia, 2023
Edited by Jeremy Eaton, Dr Suzanne Fraser

“sometimes I think we are overly focused on finding solutions for waste, to make it into something valuable (for humans), like with grape skins—do we want to transform them into something beautiful? This transformation, through art, can in itself be an extractive process when you treat materials like resources to be used up for your benefit”

What To Do With Agricultural By-Products: An Incomplete Guide
is a text written with Environmental Scientist Rose Faragher, that considers practices of/with waste in art and agriculture.

Written following a joint residency on an agricultural farm on Yorta Yorta Land, the text stems from conversations with Rose in which we question what to do with the ‘by-products’ of our residency processes.

1. Shiraz grapes after pressing at Dookie Winery, 2022.
2. Repurposed cotton textile dyed with fermented grapes, 2022.
3. Rose Faragher forages for grape marc in a compost heap at Dookie, 2022.

Supported by the 2022 Art + Ecology residency program, Centre of Visual Art [CoVA], University of Melbourne.