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Nutrient Cycling is a multi-channel video artwork of food waste that has decomposed in a compost system and via digital processes. The work is presented online in three parts: Brassica, Ipomoea & Citrus. Vegetable discards from the artist’s kitchen have been 3D scanned in varying states of decay. These renders have digitally decomposed via processes in data disruption to form a cybernated humus. Simultaneously, a digital microscope has been used to reveal worms as they ingest the vegetable remains. The work investigates the ways in which digital technologies might intra-act within nutrient cycles at the site of the compost heap, partaking in the movement and exchange of organic and inorganic matter back into the production of matter.

Presented as part of Mudfest Online, University of Melbourne Arts Festival, 5 - 13th August 2021.
This project was supported by an artist residency at Siteworks, Brunswick, 2021.
A Creative Arts Grant was received from the Creative Arts Department and University of Melbourne Student Union (UMSU).